SelahView presents is a Canadian publishing company that prides itself in
offering provocative quality content to challenge and guide your personal conscious evolution
Essentially, SelahView translates as
'a life with bated breathe’…
You shoot an arrow between the heart beats... & that's where SelahView takes people…
SelahView Mission Statement:
Essentially, Selah~View* translates as 'a life with bated breathe'; which is the moments in life that take your breathe away – or that retention, like a strung bow right before you take your shot. You shoot an arrow between the heart beats... That's where Selah~View takes people. That's where we offer for people to meet us and where our projects lead them.
{Selah and tilde (~) are both musical symbols. Selah translates as 'pregnant pause' while a tilde is 'raising the vibration'.}
Wondering about what SelahView presents?
Although we are called SelahView presents because
we offer a presentation of quality, thought-provoking, challenges
to stimulate your personal journey of personal growth,
we also love wordplay (all forms of play, really…
for the journey of self-discovery is much more graceful
if done with the heart of a curious child… no matter your age).
We delight in how titles can embed and embody our missions.
For us, it’s all about the layered meanings
and how each time you engage with our facilitated content
you may hear (or read) something completely different.
This is because you are a very different you each time (we hope!).
It’s not just a happy accident that the title incorporates presents.
For, what we present is the gifts (presents)
that come from those brave and bold enough
to surrender into that Selah space
to be transformed by it
and bring back a glimpse of what it has to offer,
transfigured by its uplifting vibrations,
to spread the joy and lead the way
into the unknown.
Hard & Soft Cover Print Books
Digital Books
Audio Books
Our Authors
Our Authors *
한캇현 ~ Han, Khat Hyun
Series: The WereWolf State
Personal Growth & Acceptance, Dark Personality/Psychology, Sensitive Individuals, PTSD, Empaths/Intuitives.
Genres: Psychology, Personal Development, Self-Help
Rynn Parraw, Ph.D. ParaPsy
Series: The Dakini Transitions, StrixRynn’s Essentials
Parapsychological Theory, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, Tantra, Esoterica.
Genres: PsychoSpirituality, Parapsychology, Psychology, New Age, Esoterica
Rev. Sheena Cameron, D.D.
Series: Mystic Christianity
Christianity, Spirituality, PsychoSpirituality, Spiritual Growth, Self-Help
Genres: Christianity, Spirituality, Self-Help, New Age
Hartwell Downey
Non-Series Title(s): Astrological Blindspots
Astrology, Personal Growth, Consciousness, Spiritual Growth, Self-Help
Genres: Esoterica, Self-Help, New Age, Astrology, Pseudoscience, Fantasy Fiction